“Introibo ad altare Dei.”
“I will go unto the Altar of God” will signal the beginning of the Mass in St. Jerome to be celebrated according to the Rite of the Missale Romanum issued in 1962. This will be the first time the TLM will be publicly celebrated in St. Jerome in almost 40 years.
Parish priest Rev. Fr. Germanetto Grato has willingly received the petition of a group of faithful for the public celebration of the Tridentine rite every Sunday at 9:30 A.M. starting June 29, 2008, the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul. St. Jerome Church is conveniently located at the Alabang Town Center in Muntinlupa City.
What to expect
Some pertinent [edited] notes from Get ready for the Tridentine Mass:
Because of some of the architectural changes made to the church, there might be some physical changes that will have to be made in order to offer the Tridentine Mass.
Although not yet possible at this time, having the Tabernacle on the altar would be a great blessing because the celebrant will now be facing the altar, and in truth, he should face the altar even in the Novus Ordo.
1. The most important thing is that the priest will face the altar (the back wall), standing in the front of the altar.
2. There will be altar rail so that people can receive communion kneeling.
3. Vestments, altar clothes, candles, a crucifix, patens, etc. outlined in the Rubrics will be strictly followed in offering the Mass.
4. The Tridentine Mass is more visual than verbal, so all will be done to decorate the altar: candles, statues, flowers, etc.
5. The choir will be completely out of sight, either in the back of the church, up in the choir loft, or in a side altar. No one but the priest and altar boys will be on the altar.
6. A paten will be held by the altar-boy when passing out communion.
7. Although not required, an altar rail cloth may be hanged from the back side of the altar rail. Just before communion this cloth is flipped over the altar rail and when people come up for communion they put their hands under the cloth. This is added protection in case a host or piece of host drops past the paten.
What the people need to know
The first thing people need to know about the Tridentine Mass is that its emphasis is silent prayer and quiet reflection. This means that from the moment you walk into the church, you change all your actions from social to prayerful.
Movements should be reverent and slow. Absolutely no talking, not even a “Hi!” Treat the Mass is if you were at the foot of the Crucifixion of Christ, silently watching Him offer sacrifice for your sins, because that is what the Mass is. Treat the Tabernacle is if you were being presented face to face with the Triune God in Heaven for the first time, because that is who is in that Tabernacle. Christ said to Saint Gertrude: “One idle word in church is worth a hundred years in Purgatory.” Of course, “idle” means unnecessary but what words are necessary?
1. Dress as if you have died and were about to see God face to face in Heaven.
2. Men should never go to Mass in shorts or short sleeve shirts.
3. Women should dress modestly and feminine (not like men).
4. Women should use veils as is traditional but not mandatory.
5. As for standing or kneeling during Mass, just follow the other people or the altar-boys.
6. Music should be sung like a whisper. The choir is taught to sing to God and not to the people. The church is not big so speakers may not to be used because the music should sound like Heavenly background to prayer and not something that beats up the ears and brain, preventing prayer. Since there is a choir there is no reason to sing along with them. The choir is well trained and any singing along should be done very quietly so as not to interrupt the trained singers.
7. Follow along with the mass in the Missal (English on one side and Latin on the other). If the church has not purchased the missals yet or cannot afford them, you can buy them.
8. After reading the words of the Tridentine you will see that most of the Mass is the priest praying to God and only when he turns and faces the people does he speaks to the people. This is the high priest (Christ) praying to the Father for us. It is Christ offering His sacrifice for us, and we are just there watching and thanking God.
9. Remember that people are there to pray, so do not fidget with your rosary or make sounds or movements that would distract others from prayer. Just use common Church etiquette, which means making others comfortable around you.
10. When going to communion stay in line and go to the next space at the altar rail and kneel down and wait for the priest to come to you. If there is a communion cloth over the altar rail, but your hands under it. The priest will say, “May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul unto everlasting life.” You will receive communion on the tongue, bow your head a moment and get up and go back to your pew. Remain kneeling until the priest starts the final prayers of the Mass.
11. After Mass leave the church without talking because a great many people will remain inside praying and you do not want to interrupt God. After some distance from the front door, it is time to socialize and share your faith with others.
There is an on-going recruitment for more altar-boys (no altar girls) because it is traditional to have four or more altar-boys at each Mass. This will also increase vocations to the priesthood because this is where God touches boys with this grace.